Friday, December 25, 2015

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Snow Canyon Adventure

Had some visitors from out of town recently. ...I'm SO glad they gave us a reason to go to our parks this time of year!  Normally we don't go as often, this time of year. No one was in the parks, the weather was cool, but nice, and the view on this occasion was stunning!! 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Beauty all around

Here are some pictures from the last month or two!  I didn't have a camera for any of them... I learned my lesson!  These were all from my phone or iPod. Enjoy!  How does your "backyard look?"
#backyardbeauty #beautiful #travel

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Starting Out

I was lucky to have a dad that instilled a desire for travel in me!  I was never afraid to go new places, or try new things.  He would also use the stipend he received for flights, and instead reimburse mileage so he could bring me along!  By the time I was out of high school, I had been to 38+ states, and Canada.  I have now been to 49 states, Mexico and Canada.  I am turning my sights now on the world.  :)  Look out, here I come!